
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A Short Story and A Sci-Fi Giveaway

My Short Story Garners Recognition

"The concepts of trans-humanism, AI, and where we're headed as a society were all there -- the callback to Amie sitting on the edge of the couch arm was superb. As a fan of science fiction, I would publish that story as is."

Which is what I did.

That was the feedback from the judge for the St. Louis Writer's Guild annual Short Story Contest, where my entry, Amie & Alex: A Love Story, took second place.

Held every year since the organization's founding in 1920, the Guild's contest is one of the oldest in the nation. It's also boasts some impressive winners. Tennessee Williams won first place in 1935 for his story, "Stella for Star." Perhaps if I ever become a playwright, I'll be Missouri Perrin ... but probably not.

Since I'll be giving copies of this short story to new subscribers (see below), I wanted to make sure my current readers got first shot at a free download: Please help yourself.

Want to sample some FREE Sci-fi?

Then check out the "Fantastic Futures" Sci-Fi giveaway:

Every work listed is a complete short story, novella, or full-length novel including my short story. Many of the sub-genre of Sci-Fi are represented, so if you're a fan looking to sample some new authors in return for trying out a subscription to their newsletter, give this giveaway offer a look.

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