Saturday, August 31, 2024

Download a Free Mystery ... or Twenty!

Still looking for your copy of In the Space of an Atom, a fast-paced mystery with a bit of science & a touch of romance? You can download it or more than 20 other, all genre mysteries from StoryOrigin HERE

Or, if you prefer, read it for free with your Kindle Unlimited subscription. Just click HERE

Monday, August 19, 2024

If you want some great female detective mysteries to add to your TBR list ...

 Then here's your chance.

Enter to win A Wrinkle in the Mind 

  - plus 35+ other exciting female detective mysteries

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Thursday, August 8, 2024

For a Limited Time, A Wrinkle in the Mind is just 99 Cents!

During August, you can pick up a copy of A Wrinkle in the Mind for only 99 cents.

When Violet Cruz accused U.S. Representative Alan Barclay of being “the spawn of a Martian whore” and took a shot at him, the question became: Conspiracy theory or a smokescreen for political assassination? Long before PI Rebecca Marte has the answer, however, she has to bet the life of one of her best friends on the little she knows and all that she suspects.

Pick up your copy HERE